Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lost & Found

I forgot I had taken these pictures of the girls (and the food they ate) while they were here in March.

Hmm . . . my computer has been *really* finicky lately and right now Blogger won't let me change the order of these pictures, so I guess I'll just label them as they are rather than trying to put them in order.Here's Adele eating a big spoonful of applesauce with lunch one day. (I think I was at work.)
Here's Adele earlier in the day eating scones for breakfast. This may have been on a non-work day. MMM.
Another picture of Adele eating a scone. She actually ate the whole thing. And the grown-ups may have had more than one each. They're really good. (In fact, I almost put a handful of frozen blueberries into a smoothie yesterday but decided to keep them for scones instead.)
Anna also loved her scone. When we took it away (because we thought she was done) she cried for more.
Yes, this is the same picture. I accidentally loaded it twice and can't delete it. At least it is an adorable picture!
More Anna with her scone.
Adele with a mostly empty bowl of applesauce in the foreground and an also nearly empty bowl of Kraft mac and cheese with bison hotdogs. Her mom didn't care for them but the rest of us thought they were pretty good.
Anna liked that lunch too. (I don't know if she got bison dogs or not.)

We had a big chicken dinner one night. My dad made mashed potatoes, my mom made gravy, and I can't remember what else we served.
Ideally this would be the first picture in this post. I love this scone recipe.


The last afternoon that my sister was here she helped me make squash soup. When I got home from work she had already started chopping up a beautiful butternut squash from the garden that had been chilling in my dad's basement for the winter. The soup was delicious and even the little girls liked it. I don't seem to have any pictures of it, though.

I found a farmer at my local farmers' market who sells all beef hot dogs without nitrates or nitrites. Maybe I can convince my sister to bring the girls back for a visit this summer. We have a river in the back yard and America's Largest Waterpark about 30 minutes away . . .

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